BDC’s Accelerator Loan Guarantee Obtain the cash flow you need to get moving on your growth projects

We are partnering with Canadian financial institutions to expand our reach and make it easier for you to obtain a loan for your business.
person with a blue background
BDC’s Accelerator Loan Guarantee helps Canadian financial institutions offer loans to entrepreneurs looking to expand their business and supplement their cash flow. We aim to support your business in its growth objectives while helping to pave the way for a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive landscape for entrepreneurs.

Are you eligible?

Check out the criteria to apply for this loan.

Location Based in Canada
Time in operation 12 months +
Profitability Revenues of less than $10M
Loan amount Between $25,000-$500,000 for working capital needs

BDC’s Accelerator Loan Guarantee in action

Contact one of the participating financial institutions to begin the financing process.
Your financial institution
Validates your eligibility, processes your request and manages the loan.
Works directly with your financial institution and guarantees the loan.

Collaborating with financial institutions to empower entrepreneurs

We are partnering with Canadian financial institutions with the common goal of helping entrepreneurs get the financing they need to bring their businesses to the next level. BDC’s Accelerator Loan Guarantee is designed to provide support to financial institutions so that together, we can reach and do more for businesses like yours.

compagnies logos

We are pleased to collaborate with the following financial institutions:

  • Alterna Savings (Available to Ontario-based clients only)
  • Desjardins
  • Meridian Credit Union (Available to Ontario-based clients only)
  • NLCU
  • The Toronto-Dominion Bank
  • Vancity

We are continuing to expand this offering and will look to add additional financial institutions to our partner roster.

Contact your financial services representative at one of our partner institutions if you wish to learn more about the program and apply for a loan.

Your questions deserve answers

How can I apply for BDC’s Accelerator Loan Guarantee?

Contact a partner financial institution to find out whether the BDC’s Accelerator Loan Guarantee is right for your business and how to apply for a loan.

I’m a BDC client, can I apply directly through you?

No, you must apply through one of our partner financial institutions and they must be your primary lender.

Who are the partner financial institutions I can contact?

Currently, BDC’s Accelerator Loan Guarantee is offered through:

  • Alterna Savings (Available to Ontario-based clients only)
  • Desjardins
  • Meridian Credit Union (Available to Ontario-based clients only)
  • NLCU
  • The Toronto-Dominion Bank
  • Vancity

Should you wish to learn more about the program and if it is right for you, please contact a representative from these financial institutions.

What are the eligibility criteria to apply for the loan?

The loan is available to all Canadian businesses that have at least 12 months of operation, less than $10 million in revenue and require a working capital loan between $25,000 and $500,000. The loan is managed and disbursed by your financial institution. They will advise you of the eligibility criteria and if your business qualifies.

Can I be eligible for BDC’s Accelerator Loan Guarantee if I have an existing loan with one of the partner financial institutions?

Yes, provided they are your primary lender. Simply contact your representative at your financial institution for more information.

Where can I get the status of my loan application?

Check with your financial institution, as they are responsible for managing this program and can provide a status on your application. BDC does not have access to the details of your loan application.

What do I do if my business is declined a loan under BDC’s Accelerator Loan Guarantee?

You will be notified directly by your financial institution. BDC does not have any visibility into the reasons for the declined application. For more information and to discuss the options available to you, contact your financial institution representative.
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